
Longrich Cordyceps And Black Ginger

Original price was: ₦52,800.00.Current price is: ₦51,900.00.

Main Features:

  1. Maintains blood sugar levels within a healthy range.
  2. Lower “bad” LDL cholesterol level.
  3. Increases oxygen uptake in cells.
  4. Supports immune systems.
  5. Boosts energy level. Reduces fatigue, increases stamina.
  6. Support kidney functions.
  7. Support liver functions.
  8. Improves respiratory functions.
  9. May help reduce complications associated with some cancer treatments.
  10. Support male sexual function.

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Longrich Cordyceps And Black Ginger is a supplement Capsules (with Black Ginger, Beta Glucan and Arginine) . It improves immune competence of human cell and  purely natural and does not destroy good cells as normal antibiotics do.

The Longrich Cordyceps Militaris increases oxygen supply to the brain thereby helping you to remain vibrant and energetic.
Sex is no more a fantasy. With this great sexual support from Longrich Cordyceps Militaris and black ginger these are what you get: GREAT SEX!

Health Benefit of Longrich Cordyceps Militaris and black ginger.

  1. Maintains blood sugar levels within a healthy range.
  2. Lower “bad” LDL cholesterol level.
  3. Increases oxygen uptake in cells.
  4. Supports immune systems.
  5. Boosts energy level. Reduces fatigue, increases stamina.
  6. Support kidney functions.
  7. Support liver functions.
  8. Improves respiratory functions.
  9. May help reduce complications associated with some cancer treatments.
  10. Support male sexual function.
  11. Promotes healthy joints.
  12. it protects your kidney and liver.


Health Benefits of Black Ginger You Never Know

Black ginger: The black ginger (Kaempferia parviflora) is an herbaceous plant that belongs to the Zingiberaceae family (ginger family). According to a study, black ginger is known as natural viagra because it contains a large number of PDE5 inhibitors, which act like viagra, but without negative side effects.

In traditional medicine performed in Thailand, since ancient times, black ginger is used as a natural testosterone booster for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men and increases libido in women as well. Black ginger is available on the market in various forms of products. In addition to the benefits described above, you can also get a variety of health benefits of black ginger. Read also about Benefits of Ginger For Health

The black ginger (Kaempferia parviflora) has traditionally been used as food and folk medicine for over 1000 years in Thailand. Black ginger is usually pounded and used as a tea bag, while newly used to brew wine. The black ginger in the form of wine is increasingly being used in Thailand as a tonic and as an aphrodisiac.

The biological activities of black ginger extract (KPE) and polymethoxyflavones (PMFs) include anti-oxidative activity, and others have been shown to improve physical fitness performance in clinical studies as evidenced by several recent studies.


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