Longrich Health Wine Vintage Liquor


Main Features:

  • Contains 38% alcohol
  • Enhances Immunity
  • Contains safflower oil, wu chia pee, and pawpaw
  • Protects the liver from toxic effects of alcohol
  • Enhances Libido
  • Brings a calming sensation

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Longrich Health Wine Vintage Liquor contains alcohol, pawpaw seed, safflower, wu chai pee, and water.

Safflower is an organic oil that aids in weight loss, lowers cholesterol , manages blood sugar, improves immune system, reduces muscular pains, boast hair growth and improves skin look.

Pawpaw seed burns tommy fat, n detoxifies d system while WU Chai pee is a great antioxidant, diminishes inflammation that is why one tends to pee a lot after taking the wine.

In summary, Longrich health wine aids weight loss, and burns tummy fat.
It lowers cholesterol level in the body, detoxifies and purifies the body.

Longrich health wine increases sexual performance of both men and women. It also boost sperm production and quality of sperm.


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